viernes, octubre 28, 2011

ESPG es ahora OGP

El consorcio de Petroleras Europeas EPSG no existe desde el año 2005. Leo en el sitio de la OGP:

OGP Geomatics Committee, previously known as the Surveying & Positioning Committee, was formed in 2005 by the absorption into OGP of the now-defunct European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) which itself had been formed in 1986. The Surveying & Positioning Committee comprises specialists from OGP member companies working in the areas of surveying, geodesy, cartography and geo-spatial information/coordinate data management. Meetings are held twice yearly.
The OGP Geomatics Committee, through its Geodesy Subcommittee, maintains and publishes a dataset of parameters for co-ordinate reference system and co-ordinate transformation description.

El registro EPSG contiene los parámetros geodésicos EPSG en una base de datos ampliamente usada que contiene elipsoides, datums, sistemas de coordenadas, proyecciones cartográficas, etc.

Sitio OGP
Comité OGP Geomática
Registro EPSG

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