jueves, junio 13, 2013

Fracking hará bajar precio del petróleo

El aumento de producción de petróleo en los Estados Unidos se debe al fracking, un método que permite extraer crudo de formaciones que antes eran desechadas como productoras. Según este artículo del WSJ, el Banco mundial cree que el precio del barril bajará gracias al aumento de la oferta de petróleo que producirá el uso del fracking.
"U.S. crude-oil production grew by more than one million barrels a day last year, the largest increase in the world and the largest in U.S. history.

In the latest sign of the shale revolution remaking world energy markets, crude production in the U.S. jumped 14% last year to 8.9 million barrels a day, according to the newly released Statistical Review of World Energy, an annual compilation of industry trends published by BP BP.LN -0.98% PLC for more than six decades.

The wave of new crude, flowing in oil fields from North Dakota to south Texas, helped keep the global market adequately supplied and helped markets weather declining oil production elsewhere in the world."
"...the World Bank forecast global oil prices would drop to $102 a barrel this year from $105 last year, based on an average of global benchmarks. It added that "over the longer term, oil prices are projected to fall" as supply growth from shale-rock deposits accelerate."

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