The National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) strongly believes that open sharing of geospatial data is in the best interest of our communities, states and nation. One of our goals is to make all non-sensitive geospatial data, produced or maintained using taxpayer funds, a part of the public record.Y más adelante, concluyen:
"Now is the time to change existing policies that are outdated or based on incorrect assumptions. Tremendous value can be realized by all organizations through the open sharing of geospatial data. NSGIC calls on government administrators, geospatial professionals, and concerned citizens to further advance the use of important geospatial data assets and to ensure that they remain freely accessible."Algo recomendable para que nuestros gobernantes lean y apliquen. ¿Verdad?
Geospatial Data Sharing Guidelines for Best Practices en pdf.
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