martes, diciembre 17, 2013

Lo que hay que hacer para crecer...

O mejor dicho, lo que harán Estados Unidos e Inglaterra. Deberíamos hacerlo nosotros. Permítanme dudar...
First, we are not going to get richer by borrowing more from others in the world just so that we can buy the things they make. We have to earn our own way in the world, by making our countries attractive to overseas investment, better educating our workforces, and providing a climate in which our businesses are able to produce goods and services of sufficient quality that the rest of the world wants to buy them. Second, our governments have to live within their means, and not pile up deficits and debts that will burden future generations with the taxes to pay for them. We have to reduce entitlements and drive value for money through government, so we can focus public spending on areas likely to enhance our productivity. 
We cut spending and top tax rates,
 and now deficits are down and jobs are being created at a healthy clip. 
Artículo en el WSJ.

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