viernes, noviembre 26, 2010

GIS y crímenes

Scott Dickson es un analista del crimen y trabaja en Texas. Su blog es "The Crime Analyst's Blog" y de allí saqué la siguiente cita:
This post in our walk through Crime Analysis For Problem Solvers is closely related to the last post, Step 54 - Tell A Clear Story. In fact, given the prevalence of GIS technology and crime maps in most police departments, I'm not sure that you could tell a clear story without making a map. It seems like I am constantly being asked to produce maps for my department. I really think this is a good thing. Maps, help to tell your story and provide context for the information you provide.
En su blog hay varias referencias a Sistemas de Información geográfica, lo cual es lógico dada la gran utilidad que tienen las herramientas GIS para el análisis del crimen.

Fuente: Step 55 - Make Clear Maps

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