miércoles, junio 11, 2014

Google de compras

Google hizo el paso que parecia lógico esperar. Compró skybox, una empresa que produce pequeños satélites que capturan imágenes de alta calidad. Si bien la cifra aún se puede "revisar", será cercana a los u$s 500 millones.
""Skybox's mission is about more than just imaging," said David Cowan, partner at Bessemer Venture Partners. "Skybox is disrupting how satellites are deployed in space and that has implications for the types of global communication challenges that Google plans to address."
Skybox satellites weigh roughly 260 pounds, making them much cheaper to build and launch than traditional satellites that can weigh tons. Skybox planned to launch 24 such satellites that could shoot pictures of the Earth more often. The satellites are designed for low-Earth orbit and aren't meant to remain aloft much more than four years."

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