martes, marzo 19, 2013


¿Que tan serias son las intenciones del nuevo PRIsidente de México?
The common view held that Mr Peña would impose no more than cosmetic reforms on Televisa—or on any of the other interest groups that have hamstrung Mexico’s economy. In the space of just two weeks, however, Mr Peña has revealed the extent of his ambition. Now that the PRI has retaken the presidency, he seems intent on clearing out the monopolistic blockages to Mexico’s growth and confronting some of its most formidable lobbies. On February 26th prosecutors arrested Elba Esther Gordillo, the head of the teachers’ union, on embezzlement charges. And on March 11th Mr Peña turned on Televisa itself—as well as Carlos Slim, the world’s richest man—by announcing a reform that could at last open up some of Mexico’s least competitive industries. “I’m here to transform the country, not simply run it,” the president said the day before the plan was unveiled.
En The Econmist: Sacred cows no more.

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