sábado, agosto 17, 2013

Tendencias en Geoinformación

En su reunión inaugural en la República de Corea en Octubre de 2011, el comité UN-GGIM (United Nations - Global Geospatial Information Management) decidió compilar y editar un documento sobre las tendencias en información espacial de la próxima década a nivel global, basado en los comentarios de varios expertos de la industria y la academia. El documento se publicó recientemente. A continuación compartimos algunos de los párrafos del resúmen de dicho documento.
The use of geospatial information is increasing rapidly. There is a growing recognition amongst both governments and the private sector that an understanding of location and place is a vital component of effective decision-making. Citizens with no recognised expertise in geospatial information, and who are unlikely to even be familiar with the term, are also increasingly using and interacting with geospatial information; indeed in some cases they are contributing to its collection – often in an involuntary way.
Ensuring that the full value of geospatial information is realised in the coming years will also rely on having the necessary training mechanisms in place. New and changing skills will be required to manage the increasing amount of geospatial information that is likely to be created and to ensure that the maximum value is secured from it.
Governments will continue to have a key role in the provision of geospatial information and be substantial users of geospatial data; however, governments’ role in geospatial information management may well change in the coming five to ten years. Nevertheless it will continue to be vital. Building bridges between organisations, collaborating with other areas of the geospatial information community and, most importantly, providing complete geospatial frameworks with trusted, authoritative and maintained geospatial information, will be crucial to ensuring that users have access to reliable and trusted geospatial information and have confidence when using it. This information is vital to inform decision-making, from long-term planning to emergency response, and to ensure that the potential benefits of a fully spatially-enabled society are realised.
As with all technology-driven sectors, the future is difficult to predict. However, this paper takes the views of a recognised group of experts from a wide range of fields related to the geospatial world, together with valuable contributions from the National Mapping and Cadastral Authorities (NMCAs) and attempts to offer some vision of how this is likely to develop over the next five to ten years. Based on contributions received, trends have been broken down into broad themes covering major aspects of the geospatial world.
El documento puede descargarse en PDF de este sitio.

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