lunes, noviembre 05, 2012

El Sol manda en el Clima

Se probó en laboratorio que los rayos cósmicos son un factor importante en la formación de nubes. Como la cantidad de rayos cósmicos en la Tierra dependen de los vientos solares, a más viento solar menos rayos cósmicos, ergo menos nubes. Según este estudio el Sol manda en el Clima...
The Other Climate Theory: They were theorizing about another possible factor in climate change: charged subatomic particles from outer space, or "cosmic rays," whose atmospheric levels appear to rise and fall with the weakness or strength of solar winds that deflect them from the earth. These shifts might significantly impact the type and quantity of clouds covering the earth, providing a clue to one of the least-understood but most important questions about climate. Heavenly bodies might be driving long-term weather trends.
Visto en The Other Climate Theory.

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