viernes, junio 03, 2011

¿Se acabó el reinado del shapefile?

ESRI libero la API de su formato de Geodatabase con el siguiente comunicado:
The File Geodatabase API provides a non-ArcObjects based means by which advanced developers can work with File Geodatabases. A common user scenario is to open File Geodatabase tables in non-ESRI applications to view or modify data. This API provides access to the low-level File Geodatabase file I/O modules.

The C++ API allows developers to:
• Create new geodatabases
• Read the schema of the geodatabase
• Create schema for objects within the simple feature model
• Read and write data in the geodatabase
• Perform attribute and (limited) spatial queries on datasets
This API is targeted for advanced developers who require access to the File Geodatabase without an ArcObjects license for purposes of interoperability.

This API does not replace ArcObjects as the recommended approach to interacting with the geodatabase.
¿Significa eso el fin del formato shapefile como estandar?
Si es así, el movimiento gis open source tiene mucho para aprovechar de esta API.

Visto en ArcGis Resource Center

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